Today’s Mainstream Conservatives Only Serve The Globalist Establishment
Earlier I had some pretty harsh words about the liberal establishment. This concerned both the big shots and all the toadies helping them run the show. (Indeed, it’s quite a… read more
How The FBI Infiltrates Movements—And What You Can Do To Stop Them
A handful of government employees have told me that I’m almost certainly on a FBI “watchlist.” While I have no conclusive evidence to prove that, a look into the FBI’s history concerning… read more
US Navy Has Surrendered To The Gender-Neutral Agenda By Abolishing Job Titles With “Man”
The US Navy overturned 241 years of tradition recently when it officially abolished all job titles for enlisted personnel. The decision has turned out to be extremely unpopular, and by… read more
How The Cloward-Piven Strategy Is Driving The United States To Collapse
As most of our readership is aware, America is in deep decline on multiple levels. Economically, our nation is largely a service-based economy, where the ever-dwindling supply of good paying… read more
The Lewdness Of Hillary Clinton’s Disinformation Campaign
Over the past weekend, Hillary Clinton’s Democratic machine launched the first part of their October Surprise; their final attack on the reputation of Donald Trump. It comes in the form… read more
How To Wage Economic Warfare
Here’s how we as individuals can stick it to the globalist elites who are hell-bent on wrecking our civilization, after they’ve combined the excesses of plutocracy with cultural Marxism, a crappy… read more
Second Presidential Debate Between Hillary Clinton And Donald Trump (OPEN THREAD)
I created this page for those who want to leave comments during the debate or in the immediate aftermath. You can also discuss it on this RVF thread. The debate will start at… read more
The Simple Rules That Govern Our Modern Political World
If you think of what happens to our community as a microcosm of larger forces, a lot of what we see occurring in Europe and the United States makes enough sense that you… read more
Political And Media Establishment Furiously Attack Trump For Being A Heterosexual Male
On Friday, our globalist elite released their most withering attack yet on Donald Trump: A ten-year-old recording of a private conversation where Trump said the word “pussy.” The coordinated media/Democrat/GOP… read more
How Our Government Is Sanctioning A New Kind Of Tyranny
My first knowledge of anarcho-tyranny was when my grandfather got busted in a sting. His “crime” was cutting hair without a license, which got him a fine. I should mention… read more
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