What You Need To Do If Hillary Wins
Nearly all the writers at Return Of Kings support Donald Trump. We believe that he represents a genuine threat to the hegemony of the oligarchs that control US domestic and… read more
Mike Pence Spanks Hillary Running Mate Tim Kaine In Vice Presidential Debate
Via Breitbart: Sen. Tim Kaine (D-VA) lost badly to Indiana Gov. Mike Pence in Tuesday night’s vice presidential debate — despite having home field advantage in Farmville, Virginia — raising… read more
The Cultural Impact Of A Donald Trump Presidency
“The thing worse than rebellion is the thing that causes rebellion.” “Power concedes nothing without demand. It never has, and it never will” —Frederick Douglass Nearly two years ago, I… read more
4 Reasons Donald Trump Will Win The Presidential Election Of 2016
The elite-controlled media has been doing their best to use social proof against Trump. Everywhere you look, you’d think that the whole nation hates Trump and thinks he’s a bigot. Every… read more
What Would Happen If Hillary Clinton Wins?
Although I predicted a Donald Trump victory last fall, and my confidence in this outcome is higher now than ever, we must still prepare for the worst. As he himself… read more
What’s Worse: Cultural Marxism Or Real Communism?
If you’ve ever wondered why the policy positions and tactics of liberalism seem like watered-down Communism, it’s no coincidence. There’s been considerable influence, some from traditional Communism (Marxism-Leninism), but mostly from… read more
First Presidential Debate Between Hillary Clinton And Donald Trump (OPEN THREAD)
I created this page for those who want to leave comments during the debate or in the immediate aftermath. You can also discuss it on this RVF thread. The debate will start at… read more
5 Examples Of The Mainstream Media’s Extreme Bias
Face it, the mainstream media is not only full of contradictions, but deep-seated, institutionalized biases. When a male or conservative does something, it is often considered horrendous. Yet when a… read more
How Hillary Lost The War On Pepe
Back in March I was talking with a couple of friends about the election and we came upon the topic of memes. We all agreed that memes would be an… read more
Why Are So Many Women Liberals?
Women are more liberal than men. This is so true that the only thing that a person needs to do to get more liberal political policies enacted is to get… read more
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