WATCH: Why Men Should Vote For Donald Trump
This video summarizes my case on why Donald Trump deserves your vote, in spite of his many downsides. After uploading this video to my Youtube channel, over 50 people unsubscribed, suggesting how invested… read more
The Power Of Conscience: Oliver Stone’s “Snowden”
The films of Oliver Stone have always been characterized by two features: moral passion and narrative power. His best work manages to balance these two qualities flawlessly. Salvador (1986), Wall… read more
Changing Demographic Tide Will Favor Democratic Party For Decades To Come
Don’t let the media fool you when they tell you Trump is up 5 to 7 points in the popular vote. Trump is still behind in many polls of the electoral… read more
French Writer Reveals That Army Is Planning To Recapture Muslim No-Go Zones
Earlier this month, French writer Eric Zemmour released his new book titled “A Useless Five Year Term” dedicated to the failures of the Hollande administration. During an interview on the… read more
If Feminist Laurie Penny Was Serious About Stopping Rape, She Would Protest Outside Prisons
Of all the people I have heard or read about who depend on alleged high levels of rape to maintain their careers, British SJW Laurie Penny is amongst the worst. Her… read more
The Delusional Reality Of Social Justice Warriors Is A Form Of Mental Illness
Until quite recently, I thought social justice warriors were basically the online version of the campus radicals that I knew from my college days. I figured maybe the SJWs are… read more
The Fantastical Myth Of Gender And Race Being “Social Constructs”
When politically correct leftists, well-versed in cultural Marxist argumentation tactics, want to discredit a certain concept, they might say it’s “only a social construct”. The argument follows that it doesn’t… read more
How A Small Cabal Is Using Socialism & Cultural Marxism To Consolidate World Power
None Dare Call It Conspiracy details the overreaching “conspiracy” of elites pushing socialism and Cultural Marxism onto the masses while accumulating even greater centralized control over nations and their citizens…. read more
The Elites Have One Rule For Themselves, And One Rule For The Rest Of Us
Regardless who wins the presidential election of 2016, it is certain that insider dealings and conflicts of interest (or, in plain English, corruption) will remain integral components of the Washington… read more
The Ugly Truth Of Leftist “Heroes”
Leftist politics is basically a religion these days, including a litany of saints. Many had cults of personality, some ongoing. Criticizing them gets the same reaction as telling a fundamentalist… read more
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