Libertarianism Is Not The Answer
Recently I listened to a podcast in which Cassie Jaye, the director of The Red Pill, interviewed Stefan Molyneax about identity politics. Stefan’s answers to most questions were “libertarianism is… read more
The Many Ways Pipsqueaks And Crybullies Wield Power And Misuse It
Traditional aggression involves things like someone walking up and offering to rearrange your face. Someone must be physically imposing to do so. However, there are ways wimps can push people… read more
New Jersey’s Democratic Governor Is Racing To Turn The State Into A Third-World Shithole
Cities in the once Golden State of California have already been colonized by illegal aliens to smuggle drugs, conduct gang formations, and perform other criminal behavior. Many assume that living… read more
Pregnant Women Who Drink, Smoke, Or Take Drugs Must Be Shunned
Although their pussy pass has eroded somewhat, pregnant women who abuse their children by drinking, smoking, and taking drugs are still not being shamed appropriately. They are repugnant individuals who… read more
5 Reasons Why America Should Become A Real Empire
In post-1960’s America, ‘Imperialism’ has become a byword among the educated. To support the idea of an Empire would be a Scarlet Letter for any academic in a university setting, and the… read more
German “Refugees Welcome” Activist Admits She Was Completely Wrong About Mass Migration
A narcissistic German SJW has admitted to a Polish website that she was foolish for thinking she and her associates could civilize many of the more than one million migrants and… read more
Top 10 Most Superior Ethnic Groups In The World
When people discuss “globalists” or the “elites”, they often seem to refer to individuals and corporations rather than entire countries. This is understandable, since national groups in their entirety should neither be blamed nor… read more
3 Reasons Why The Globalists Hate Russia And Vladimir Putin
The United States is experiencing a third Red Scare. Russia is being accused of undermining US elections, running armies of “Russian bots” to influence discussion on social media, and bribery… read more
The Main Purpose Of Large Corporations Is To Serve As The Spearhead Of Marxism
Large corporations are not the antithesis of Marxism—they in fact form an integral part of the Marxist program. If you are like most people you will scoff at what seems… read more
Is Collectivism Always Wrong?
Collectivism has a pretty bad name in certain circles, particularly Libertarians and related currents. Indeed, it’s led to some past excesses, including totalitarianism. Still, it’s really like an implement that can be… read more
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