More Men Are Raped Every Year Than Women
By now, we all know the whole “one in four women will get raped” chestnut is a bunch of bullshit. That misconception stems from a 1985 Ms. Magazine survey conducted… read more
Would You Bang A Famous Feminist?
Here we’ll rate the big-name feminists, limited to their most (in)famous activists. Thus, Hillary Clinton (for example) doesn’t count. Cupcake is best known as a political figure: Secretary of State,… read more
Switzerland Proves That More Gun Laws Are Not The Solution To America’s Mass Shooting Problem
I was lucky enough to be a part of one of the last great Boy Scout troops here in North Texas, where we were taught proper marksmanship by an ex-special… read more
5 Reasons Why Russia Invading Sweden Would Be A Good Thing
Sweden, concerned about a potential Russian invasion, has sent out war preparation pamphlets to nearly five million households. For most Swedes and certainly Swedish men, however, a Russian annexation would… read more
Democrats Care More About Illegal Immigrants Than American Citizens
Forty-three Democrats in the United States Senate decided to shut the government down last week. In doing so, they’ve made a choice that is open and clear for all to… read more
22 Photos And Tweets From The Deranged Women’s March Of 2018
Despite the loss of zero rights, privileges, and civil liberties for women and non-white male “minorities” (which together make up 70% of the U.S. population) since Donald Trump took office… read more
4 Lies The Deep State Wants You To Believe
People typically find the premises and practices of religions they don’t believe in to be preposterous. However, their own faith is familiar; they understand the deeper meanings of (or can… read more
5 Reasons Haiti Is Indeed A Shithole Country
Haiti is a disaster zone. It’s the poorest country in the Western hemisphere, and the epitome of a ‘failed state’. It’s a country founded upon the wholesale slaughter of 3,000-5,000… read more
China Will Eat The West
The Current Year in the West is unbalanced and self-destructive. Native Westerners’ demography is in free-fall, families are rare or fragile, the mainstream culture is treacherous and toxic, the power… read more
Fat Lesbians Rewarded With $135,000 Judgment Against Christian Bakers Who Wouldn’t Bake Them A Cake
The Kleins were subjected to a homofascist mob that boycotted their business, threatened other wedding vendors and subjected their young children to death threats. — Fox News describing how Aaron… read more
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