Berlin Establishes New Year’s Eve “Safe Zones” To Stop Vibrant Migrants From Raping Women
The German arm of the Red Cross, an organization designed to deal with the aftermath of wars and famines in Africa, is currently needed to protect women in Berlin. Female-only “safe zones”… read more
Why Is Donald Trump Doing Israel’s Bidding?
President Trump promised many things during his candidacy on issues such as immigration, terrorism, the economy, healthcare, and to “Make American Great Again,” yet it feels like the priority now… read more
Roy Moore’s Loss Shows How “Sexual Harassment” Is Nothing More Than A Political Weapon
Though Brexit and the election of Donald Trump taught us how we can beat the odds, Republican and true conservative Roy Moore never really stood a chance in the Alabama… read more
Theresa May Officially Bans Roosh From The UK While Terrorist Sympathizers Are Let In
ROK proprietor Roosh Valizadeh has been banned from the United Kingdom (not that he would ever go there for an extended stay) whilst a number of actual bigots have not… read more
The Dissident Right Is Being Subverted By Fame-Seeking Women
In the past year, one of the biggest trends in the alternative media has been the rise of female personalities who advocate traditional values and right-wing politics. Figures such as… read more
Politicians Are Whores And It’s Actually Not Their Fault
When people call all or most politicians evil, I’m always incredulous. No matter whether they are the nationalists I love or the SJWs I hate, the vast majority of them… read more
Why Net Neutrality Is An Unnecessary Fraud
Last month, FCC Chairman Ajit Pai announced that the FCC will vote to end net neutrality regulations on December 14, reversing policy instituted by the Obama administration. Under the current… read more
Texas State University Prints Article Calling For White Genocide
The student newspaper of Texas State University released an op-ed by philosophy major Rudy Martinez on November 28 called “Your DNA is an abomination”. For anyone who doubts that the American… read more
Poland’s 60,000-Strong Nationalist March Gives Hope To Europe
The nationalism of Poles was on full display in Warsaw on Saturday, November 11 when 60,000 marched to commemorate Poland’s Independence Day. Many of those called for an end to the… read more
Awesome Holiday Gift Ideas For Liberals You Unfortunately Know
It’s getting to be that time of year again, where holiday trees soon will go up in honor of Santa. It’s now less than two months from the winter holidays,… read more
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