Progressives Will Not Stop Until Civilization Is Completely Destroyed
A great deal of people have often commented here asking: “Where does it stop?” In everything from the efforts to stigmatize normal flirting (while ignoring rape from “migrants”) to criminalizing… read more
Why Won’t Hillary Clinton Go Away?
Hillary Clinton recently interviewed with Britain’s Channel 4, first asked if she still believes that The Donald is “a clear and present danger to the United States, and indeed the… read more
What Is Western Civilization?
Western civilization is under attack. It has been routinely betrayed from the inside by fifth columns degrading it, calling it imperialistic, oppressive, hypocritical, and so on. When only seeing the… read more
The Homosexual Movement Began As A Communist Bathhouse Front Before Infecting The Entire West
It’s commonly believed that the Stonewall riots started the LGBT movement, sparked by a 1969 police raid on a New York gay bar. Actually, things were in motion long before. In 1950,… read more
Guillaume Faye Is One Of Few Right-Wing Writers Worth Reading
Although there exist several interesting writers who are linked to the right – Oswald Spengler, Vilfredo Pareto, Carl Schmitt, and Julius Evola to name a few – many of them… read more
4 Concepts SJW’s Invented To Shame White People
For decades, leftists made great efforts creating intellectual-sounding rationalizations for cultural Marxist ideology. Lately it’s gone on freakish tangents that not even the Frankfurt School could’ve anticipated. If they’d made… read more
Foreign Women Should Come Before Men In Any Immigration Plan
Countries like Sweden, France, UK and Germany have accepted many migrants, particularly non-European males. To some extent that is also the case with the U.S., Canada, and Australia. For instance,… read more
Meet The Billionaire Jewish Family Funding Breitbart And Milo Yiannopoulos
For the past several years, Bob Mercer, a reclusive billionaire and co-chair of hedge fund Renaissance Technologies, has been covertly funding numerous right-wing movements in the U.S. and U.K. A… read more
England Is Dangerously Overpopulated And No One Is Talking About It
When people think of overcrowded European states, the first thought in the minds of many will be the Netherlands. Yet England is actually the most densely populated major European country,… read more
Traitors Within The Gates? Immigrants Have Practically No Loyalty To Their Adopted Countries
“German” Turks are an ever-increasing share of Germany’s population, but contemporary events demonstrate how many of them, perhaps even a majority, are much more loyal to Turkey than to the… read more
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