The Official Narrative Of The Las Vegas Shooting Is Bullshit
Here we go again. Although I was hoping we’d make it out of 2017 without some mass shootings, we picked up one last weekend on Sunday night on the Las… read more
How The Concept Of Legitimate Government Has Changed From Antiquity To The Present Day
Governments, be they enlightened or otherwise, generally provide justifications for their rule. Despotic regimes don’t really need rationales beyond “We’re in charge, obey or else“. However, in practice, even tyrants… read more
Australia’s Gay Marriage Vote May Lead To Spectacular Failure For The Left
Australia is currently voting in a postal survey on whether to legalise gay marriage. A clear majority of Australians support gay marriage but I predict that the “No” side will… read more
Should White Girls Who Join ISIS Be Allowed Back In Europe Or Face Death In The Middle East?
Just as you should not accept a sexually-used woman into your life, Western societies should never welcome back politically, culturally, and, yes, sexually-used former ISIS girls. One of these girls,… read more
Why Barcelona Became A Fertile Training Ground For Islamic Terrorism
Barcelona is one of the finest cities in Europe, and maybe the world. It has one of the best architectural sites, the finest football teams, and a high reputation among… read more
Tranny Activists And Feminists Are Starting To Attack Each Other
One of many problems leftists have is that they don’t understand basic biology, such as what the word female means. However—to their credit—some radical feminists are more intelligent than that,… read more
French Government Does Nothing About Black Looting On Hurricane-Ravaged Island Of St. Martin
Earlier this month, Hurricane Irma hit with unusual force the Caribbean island of Saint Martin, following Hurricanes Cindy and Harvey that devastated the Antilles and some parts of the United… read more
5 Countries That Use “Soft Power” To Be More Powerful And Influential
As Roosh elegantly has pointed out, culture is downstream from politics (and the opposite is also true). One can stress that culture is also downstream from economic power, both directly… read more
Australia’s Aboriginal Lobby Is Exploiting White Guilt To Promote A Far-Left Agenda
Australia’s native aboriginal lobby is highly influential. I use the term “lobby” deliberately because it consists of organised individuals and groups and many of its members are not aboriginal themselves…. read more
If Leftist Ideology Is Correct, Why Are Liberals Using Dirty And Violent Tactics?
Leftists believe countless silly things: gun control makes everyone safer, Hillary is suitable to be President, men can get pregnant, etc. Postmodernist professors believe objective reality doesn’t exist. Despite that, leftists… read more
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