China Is Poised To Surpass The United States As The World’s Biggest Superpower
China is set to take over from the United States as the world’s largest economy. Military strength is built ultimately upon economic strength so if current trends continue, China will… read more
What Does Antifa Want?
Recently, “The Antifa Manual” was found at Evergreen College, America’s most pozzed-out campus possibly excepting Columbia and Berkeley. It doesn’t go into urban guerrilla tactics (which would’ve been an informative… read more
France Adopts Law That Uses Informants To Monitor Private Conversations For “Hate Speech”
The French Government, led by Emmanuel Macron, adopted a law on the 5th of August 2017 punishing non-public “provocations, insults & slander” against those who are (or not) part of a certain… read more
11 More Ways The Elite Psychologically Severs Us Through Harmful Conditioning
Last week, building on the critical work of Lucien Cerise—a Ph.D and expert in cognitive sciences and transhumanism—I outlined broadly how the occult elite had proceeded to “change” how people… read more
If Your Favorite Globalists Were Evil Men From The Book Of Mormon
The Book of Mormon came from Joseph Smith’s translation of the Golden Plates—or his very fertile imagination, take your pick. Some characters resemble today’s globalists, so either history repeats itself or life… read more
The Dissident Right Should Adopt Gandhi’s Strategy Of Nonviolence
We are operating in times of oppression. The alt-left is vastly more violent than the alt-right, murdering five police officers, shooting a Republican Representative, and condoning Islamic extremism. With a… read more
10 Reasons Why Switzerland May Be The Best Country In The World
Recently I went to Switzerland, partly to see if it really is the best country in the world. In this piece I will argue that this reputation indeed is well-deserved…. read more
9 Reasons Why The United States Should Ally With Iran
When President Trump visited Saudi Arabia, he concluded an arms deal with the oil-rich kingdom, and toured its Global Centre for Combating Extremist Ideology, a think tank devoted to fighting… read more
4 Important Lessons From Economist William Easterly’s Book “The Tyranny Of Experts”
Recently I read one of the most influential economists in the world, William Easterly’s book The Tyranny Of Experts (2014) and will share some important lessons from it. While much… read more
3 Ways Japan Is Naturally Alt Right
Following the election of President Trump last November, the political and cultural climate of the United States shaped a new era in world history. With the astonishment of the voting… read more
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