Patreon Attempts To Deny That Their Banning Policy Is Ideologically Motivated
A video posted on 7/28/2017 provides a long-overdue explanation of Patreon’s banning policies. In the beginning, Jack Conte says: A lot of people are just going to try to find… read more
What To Do When The Enemy Uses Human Shields
The collapse of the sexual revolution is giving rise to an abandonment pandemic among post twenty-something women. Nature abhors a vacuum, so the ecological force of the missing husband and empty crib manifests in political efforts to… read more
3 Reasons Why The Democratic Party Has Already Lost The 2020 Presidential Election
Our enemies have not only overplayed their hand in a panicked spiral over these last few months, but have also demonstrated a shocking inability to read the new zeitgeist and… read more
Israel’s Nuclear Policy Goes Beyond Deterrence And Threatens The Entire World
Some consider nuclear weapons a curse, and I concur. Others say nuclear deterrence has helped keep the peace. Still, there are some obvious problems. At least twice, false positive radar… read more
Seduce The World With The Red Pill Gospel Or Be Destroyed
I claim to be a leader of men, who wages war against evil without cessation and without mercy. I also claim to be a protector of the weak who never… read more
The Transsexual Lobby Now Dictates Terms To The Criminal Justice System
Lately, society increasingly resembles Roman decadence as described in Juvenal’s Satires. The historical parallels are hard to miss. Indeed, Juvenal may be the grandfather of the alt right just as… read more
Why Civic Nationalism Will Fail
The alt lite and the alt right agree on several things, namely the need to respect national sovereignty, strong borders, and opposing globalism. But the biggest difference between the two… read more
How To Respond To Threats Of Political Violence
It’s an unfortunate fact that political disagreements can turn to violence. The left has an extensive history of this from guillotines to gulags, with terrorism and urban riots often in… read more
4 Leftist Strategies The Right Should Emulate
Leftist ideology has been bankrupt for quite some time now. Things seriously took a wrong turn with Karl Marx. Even moderate liberalism hasn’t been much to write home about for… read more
How The Dissident Right Can Topple The Two Main Pillars Of The Left
Postmodern leftism is not a coherent set of ideas. Much as we may hate the losing forces of “Conservatism, Inc.” that ooze timidity, we can at least say that they… read more
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