Post Marital Spinsterhood
Empowerment turned demotion.
Blogger Michele Zipp at Cafe Mom confirms the status marker marriage serves for women in 5 Reasons ‘Boyfriend’ Is the Worst Word for Divorcees: 3. It feels like a demotion. The… read more
Women’s morphing need for male investment.
In a previous post I discussed the importance of male investment in women’s intrasexual status competition. This investment can range from the validation which comes from being selected for a… read more
Grannies gone wild!
Key to the process of selling divorce is convincing women that their romantic prospects don’t really decline with age. We could easily cut the divorce rate in half if the… read more
Not Glad Tidings for Post Marital Spinsters.
The National Center for Family & Marriage Research (NCFMR) at Bowling Green State University has crunched the numbers on the latest remarriage stats: Men are more likely to remarry than women,… read more
The normalization of the trashy single mother.
With the exception of widows, single mothers have traditionally faced strong social stigma. Feminists have made removing this stigma a priority as it is essential in order to free women… read more
Losing control of the narrative.
One of the biggest misconceptions in the manosphere is that women aren’t interested in marrying anymore. It is an understandable misconception, because the actions of today’s young women send a… read more
There is no baby boomer (or silent) generation divorce spike at retirement.
There is a common theme in the media suggesting that baby boomers are divorcing in greater numbers now that they are in or approaching retirement. The most recent example I’ve… read more
Choice addiction poster child
Back in April commenter PB was kind enough to bring the following Daily Mail article to my attention: I dated 50 men in six months (and STILL didn’t find love). … read more
Newspeak: scrubbing the English language.
I did a search on the term unwed mother when writing my post on Katie Price. I wanted to make sure I wasn’t using the term incorrectly. Click here to… read more
Eat, Pray, Cats
There are two competing narratives when it comes to women divorcing. The first is the feminist narrative: I don’t need a man! or A woman needs a man like a… read more
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