Post Marital Spinsterhood
The plankton generation
Oz Conservative has an excellent post up titled Struggling in a wilderness: Who is the Plankton? She is a woman pushing 50 who decided to divorce her husband a few… read more
Divorcing under the influence
As I pointed out in my last post, there doesn’t seem to be isn’t a rash of late life divorce in either the US or the UK. This however doesn’t… read more
How common is late life divorce?
My last post painted a pretty bleak picture. As Greyghost put it: Well Dalrock for a guy that is blogging for marriage you sure have a knack for finding reasons… read more
Boring loyal dudes
I will work harder! –Boxer, Animal Farm The breathless Daily Mail headline asks: The 40-year itch: Divorce is falling in every age group except the over-60s – so why ARE… read more
The Duchess of Post Marital Spinsterhood
The Daily Mail published an absolutely scathing piece on Sarah Ferguson a few weeks ago. I was doubly surprised on reading this because not only is she royalty, but a… read more
Divorcée Retirement
Click to see If you are a regular reader of this blog you already know that our culture is obsessed with selling divorce to women. Of course, those selling divorce… read more
Rotating Polyandry and Its Enforcers
By way of Foseti and Mangan, F. Roger Devlin’s Rotating Polyandry – and Its Enforcers, Part 1 and Part 2. Edit: H/T as well to Flavia for sharing this first…. read more
A Detailed Description of Divorce Fantasy
If you didn’t read this blog it would be easy to have the impression that divorcées have the midas touch, and everything falls in their favor. Given how prevalent this… read more
Does divorce make people happy?
One of the most common and typically unchallenged assumptions about divorce is that despite all of the destruction it causes it at least makes people happier. Specifically, there is a… read more
Should I Divorce Him?
I run across the strangest sites when searching the web for stats, like: Should I Divorce Him? This lovely site is a place for women who want to thoughtfully discuss… read more
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