Post Marital Spinsterhood
More judging the performance.
While checking out search engine results for Single in the Suburbs, I came across an interesting blog by the same name. The first post I saw was (at the time)… read more
The crumbs on the table
My recent post on Match.com selling divorce to married women in their 40s reminded me of this Brothers Grimm tale. If you prefer it with chickens instead of puppies, there… read more
Google censors my match.com exposé
I’ve been overwhelmed by the amount of support the manosphere has provided to my exposé on match.com’s far fetched Single in the Suburbs “column”. I want to sincerely thank all… read more
Match.com responds, and a new pic of the author.
Here is the response I received from Match.com Public Relations: Hi Dalrock, Thank you for contacting Match.com. This series was presented to us by the author as a firsthand account… read more
Single in the Suburbs: How Match.com sells your wife post marital spinsterhood.
My wife is constantly finding absurd relationship and dating advice columns offered to women and sending them my way. She finds them whenever she logs into juno.com to check our… read more
Dalrock: The web’s number one source for information on the EPL slut!
One of the amusing parts about blogging is seeing what search terms people use to find your site. The other day one in particular caught my eye: eat pray love… read more
A post-marital spinster’s rationalization hamster in the final stages of exhaustion.
What Men Are Saying About Women has a post about aging feminist Liz Jones and her poor me piece last December in the Daily Mail: Wish me a lonely Christmas… read more
More problems with the remarriage rate predictions.
In Post-marital spinsterhood part two: the data, I showed how stats from a NCHS/CDC study in 2002 using data of women who divorced in the mid 80s was causing women… read more
Addiction to divorce fantasy is also about power.
As recent readers know, I’ve been poking at a massive sore spot for some of my female commenters lately with the themes of post marital spinsterhood and the remarriage strike. … read more
The Rationalization Hamster 500!
Few topics generate more excitement for rationalization hamsters than the question of why women don’t (re)marry later in life. Merely bringing this topic up is the equivalent of grabbing a… read more
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