Priscilla Shirer
Their husbands forced them to do it.
As I’ve been pointing out, the conservative Christian response to feminism has been to pretend that feminists aren’t really in the final mopping up stages in the culture war and… read more
Why there is a controversy about women teaching/preaching Scripture and doctrine.
Commenter Amy Wilson asked in response to Four legs good, two legs better: I am also very concerned about the slippery slope we see of feminist redefining of the plain… read more
Modern Christian wife worship
44 Leadership Quotes And Lessons From War Room The Movie Lesson number 37: Husbands Either Serve Their Wives Or Serve Themselves – You cannot do both. Spoiler Alert – This… read more
Valor knows no gender
The Kendrick brothers are masters of the head fake. In Fireproof they ended the film with the surprise revelation that the original Love Dare was done by a woman! We… read more
Did he take notes?
Likewise, teach the older women to be reverent in the way they live, not to be slanderers or addicted to much wine, but to teach what is good. 4 Then they… read more
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