Professional Divorcee
She got the message.
Sarah Bregel has the credentials, but can she compete in this already crowded field? Sarah Bregel has joined a long list of mommy writers who converted their kids’ misfortune into… read more
Listen to the whispers.
Sharon Pope writes about the whispers at divorcedmoms.com My Marriage, My Affair And My Hard Learned Lessons: Our souls are always whispering to us. The whispers of our lives tell… read more
Being divorced is their essence, but don’t label them.
My own divorce story is woven into many posts usually as part of my commentary at the end of each post. I have, however written a few posts specifically about… read more
Repenting of sexual morality.
A month ago Liška at XO Jane wrote Marriage Shouldn’t Be an Endurance Sport. Liška repents of her sin of trying to tempt a friend into honoring her marriage vows… read more
Why can’t I write without being written about?
Laura Lifshitz fails to honor my right to write without being written about in What It’s Like to Be an Evil Jewish Divorcee: A group of supposed “Christian” men bantered… read more
“The Writer” writes
As I’ve noted previously, Robert Stacy McCain* brilliantly describes what he calls “The Writer” in ‘Broken People,’ Cats and Prozac. There are several very common characteristics of “The Writer” which McCain has noted…. read more
Laura Lifshitz hits the bigtime
Divorce is big business, and this isn’t limited to the family courts and the wide range of cogs in the machinery that destroys families. When women aren’t destroying their own… read more
She doesn’t have what it takes to be a professional divorcée, but she does have cats.
The Other McCain on ‘Broken People,’ Cats and Prozac: See, this is the thing with young feminist writer types nowadays. They can’t go to Podunk State University. No, they must attend… read more
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