Rape Culture
An unshakable faith in men’s benevolence. An inexhaustible supply of good will from men.
Feminism is ironically founded on an unshakable faith in the benevolence of men. This is implicit in (as just one example*) the whole complaint about “rape culture”. Feminists have faith… read more
Weak men screwing the sexual revolution up.
Former CBMW president Owen Strachan has an article up at The Gospel Coalition that has been trending for the last few days: Gospel Hope in Hookup Culture. Strachan offers four… read more
She isn’t impressed.
Drudge has a link to a story about a Texas man on vacation in Tennessee who called 911 after his wife was squirted with water by a Hibachi chef (as… read more
A woman’s prerogative.
A reader who asked not to be named describes how the military has come to define rape: One of my fellow company commanders in Afghanistan invited a CID agent to… read more
I’ll take this as confirmation that Trump is alpha.
From the Daily Mail: Woman who accused Donald Trump of trying to rape her and turn her into his ‘sex slave’ says she would now vote for him Ms Harth… read more
The advantage of leaving Sulkowicz (Mattress Girl) off the lawsuit.
The Other McCain explains the advantage of Nungesser not including Sulkowicz in his suit against Columbia in Emma Sulkowicz Is a Vindictive, Dishonest and Crazy Slut — Allegedly Now, if we ponder every possible… read more
A giant misunderstanding.
In an effort to improve communication between Glenn Reynolds of Instapundit and Lisa Madigan, I offer the following suggested correction. What Madigan no doubt meant was (corrections in bold): If… read more
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