Rape Culture
Guilty until proven innocent, and nothing proves you innocent.
In the wake of mattress carrying Emma Sulkowicz’s claim of rape falling apart, Emma Gray at the Huffington Post has created a chart to detail what kinds of situations would indicate… read more
He said no…
A male Stanford student recounts how a female student sexually assaulted him (emphasis mine): I arrived at a party with a group of friends and struck up a conversation with a… read more
First rate projection.
As most already know, Sabrina Rubin Erdely went looking for a story which would be a “rape culture” fantasy story, one activists like her dream about. According to an early Washington… read more
Doing rape hysteria right.
Freddie deBoer at The Week argues in What progressives don’t want to talk about in the Rolling Stone scandal*: A presumption of truth in every rape accusation is an impossible standard…. read more
Was Jackie’s date invented to get her out of the friend zone?
The Washington Post story U-Va. students challenge Rolling Stone account of alleged sexual assault offers “Jackie’s” friends’ explanation of how Jackie came to go out on her date with the man she… read more
Glenn Reynolds teaches women not to rape.
Several commenters have taken me to task for the ostensible naivety of the title of my post Teach women not to lie about rape. For those who didn’t understand the title, feminists have… read more
Teach women not to lie about rape.
Policemag.com has story about a woman who claimed a New Mexico police officer sexually assaulted her when he arrested her for a DUI. Fortunately for the officer he was wearing a… read more
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