She who must be obeyed.
One thing I have to admit about Pastor Driscoll is that he is an incredibly talented preacher. Part of this is his unmatched charisma and a gift for teaching. He… read more
Turning a blind eye.
As I explained in my last post, there are powerful incentives for Christian men to turn a blind eye to the sins of women. As we saw previously, Glenn Stanton… read more
Why we don’t need Sanger: Give the rebellious wife what she demands or the baby gets it!
Margaret Sanger is long gone, but her life’s work of fomenting feminist rebellion remains alive and well. We don’t need Sanger, because we have (collectively) taken up the mantle of… read more
Slow your roll
A little over 400 comments into the discussion of Radio Silence and Dread, a blogger by the handle Prov Erbs asked: Please help Dalrock or anyone else! What does Christian… read more
A husband’s plea to Catholic Answers Forum: Stop sowing discord in my house!
A little over a week ago a Catholic woman by the handle Be Courageous was disturbed that her husband wasn’t properly submitting to her headship, and decided to break out… read more
The wake-up call.
Even as wives are commanded to submit to the authority of their husbands, the husband is called to a far higher standard of Christ-like love and devotion toward the wife…. read more
Twisted Scripture.
Nearly all of the instruction to husbands and wives in the New Testament tends to make modern Christians very uncomfortable. There is for example a cottage industry to explain away… read more
Call the Kendrick brothers!
I think we’ve found the script for the sequel to Fireproof. Empathologism shares a lesson to Christian husbands in his post The reverse nuclear option, the submissive Christian wife. The lesson… read more
Submission is something a wife must voluntarily offer.
The statement in the title is true, but is often used as a canard to nullify headship. It is offered as fine print which secretly negates the clear terms of… read more
Fragging Christian Headship
Lord God, as well, I pray for those men who are here that are cowards. They are silent passive impish worthless men. They are making a mess of everything in… read more
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