Something in common.
7 For a man ought not to cover his head, since he is the image and glory of God, but woman is the glory of man. 8 For man was… read more
The roots of modern Christian wife worship.
In the discussion of Women as responders, commenter Neguy pointed out that the idea that women are naturally good (so long as their husband is loving) goes much further back… read more
Pocket pouting
One of the greater misconceptions about feminism is that men can fix the problems feminists are complaining about. What isn’t understood is the base impulse, envy of men and the… read more
God’s Drill Instructors (language warning)
Conservative Christians are facing a masculinity crisis. The traditional/biblical roles of men are no longer palatable in our feminist era. Yet part of being conservative/complementarian means stressing the difference between… read more
Why there is a controversy about women teaching/preaching Scripture and doctrine.
Commenter Amy Wilson asked in response to Four legs good, two legs better: I am also very concerned about the slippery slope we see of feminist redefining of the plain… read more
Tempting wives to stay married.
In God hates divorce? Pastor Sam Powell worries that some readers may suspect he is soft on divorce: This article is a little more technical than I usually write. There… read more
Reworking Malachi 2:16 for our feminist era (part 1).
I’ve written previously about the modern Christian cross-dressing view of marriage, where wives are in absolute headship and regularly need to give their husbands wakeup calls to establish their authority. … read more
Guarding her equality.
As I’ve demonstrated (here and here), an underpinning belief of complementarianism is that the source of feminist resentment is sinful men, men who are not sufficiently nice and accommodating. As… read more
The root of the problem.
I stumbled across an old CBMW newsletter from 1995 (the year after VAWA was passed), and like the founding statement the influence of the Duluth model on complementarian thinking is… read more
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