Who is she teaching?
A few days ago CBMW Women’s Studies professor Mary Kassian published a new post titled Does a Husband have the Authority?* The post follows the Duluth model framing headship as… read more
CBMW’s evolving position on spiritual headship.
From the beginning complementarianism has been an effort to split the difference with Christian feminists (egalitarians). This comes naturally from their belief that feminism isn’t a manifestation of the same… read more
It is far worse than he suspects.
Pastor Doug Wilson explains that it is much easier to confront men on their sin than it is to confront women*. Men, even men who have done terrible things, expect… read more
What causes all of the consternation about housework?
This week Lori Alexander of Always Learning had a Facebook post go viral with a cacophony of feminist clucking. In the post Lori suggested that wives not focus on the… read more
Giving us what we love.
The Country duo Florida Georgia Line has a new worship song* out that raced to number 1 on the Billboard Country chart. The song is titled H.O.L.Y. and is dedicated… read more
She doesn’t need a man.
Christ does not need us. He doesn’t need us to be happy. He doesn’t need us to be fulfilled… In the same manner, when a fulfilled, self-sufficient woman marries a… read more
Why can’t he find men to marry the women he is teaching to have contempt for men?
The “Friendly Atheist” at Patheos has a new post going viral titled Christian Pastor Says Men Who Play Video Games Are Losers Possessed by a “Retarded Spirit” Pastor Gene Lingerfelt… read more
Complementarian marriage: Egalitarian marriage with a veneer of headship.
In order to understand complementarian marriage, you have to start by tossing out everything the Bible says about marriage roles and begin with a foundation of egalitarian marriage. Then add… read more
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