Fantasy Land
As I wrote on Friday, the CBMW’s response to the generations long push by feminists to insert women into all parts of our armed forces is to pretend that something… read more
Dereliction of duty
I was curious if the CBMW had a response to the decision to open all combat roles to women. I was curious given their great ambivalence regarding biblical gender roles… read more
The temptation for wives to claim abuse.
In our age claiming abuse is a powerful tool for wives to punish their husbands. This creates a profound temptation for wives to betray their husbands for any or no… read more
God’s secret plan for every married man’s life.
Magnus asks I wonder what Dr. Hegstrom and the Davissons would say to a genuinely abused man: A man who has been denied sex for years, has been emotionally manipulated… read more
FotF and Dr. Hegstrom: Check your male privilege.
Screaming abuse is a brilliant feminist tool to keep husbands compliant because while there are some abusive men who mistreat women, feminists know they can appeal to men as a… read more
She lost her best friend.
On Saturday new commenter Constance left a heartbreaking comment on a post I wrote back in 2010: My ex husband and I had a mutual divorce 5 years ago and… read more
Punishing with her presence
Better to dwell in a corner of a housetop, Than in a house shared with a contentious woman. — Proverbs 21:9 NKJV In the Focus on the Family radio program… read more
The sound of a rebellious woman
She was loud and rebellious, Her feet would not stay at home. — Proverbs 7:11 NKJV Some time back DeNihilist linked to a blog post titled: 21 Signs You’re A… read more
The Crafty Harlot
Having made my readers suffer four posts on the saccharine sweetness of modern Christian culture, I feel obligated to cleanse your palate with the salty wisdom of the Bible. In… read more
Valor knows no gender
The Kendrick brothers are masters of the head fake. In Fireproof they ended the film with the surprise revelation that the original Love Dare was done by a woman! We… read more
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