3 Reasons To Join The Eastern Orthodox Church
Friends and brothers, it’s been quite a while since I last wrote to you. Between my consulting business and my growing interest in the world of blockchain technology, I’ve had a… read more
Can Christianity Be Made More “Muscular”?
Several articles on this website pertain to how weak, effeminate, and ineffectual modern religion is, particularly Christianity, and that’s certainly true, but what if I were to tell you that… read more
The Jesuit “Secret Rules” Is One Of The Best Manuals On Intrigue And Power Ever Written
This piece is about an antiquated manual of how-to-take-over-when-you-are-a-minority: the allegedly Jesuit Secret Rules, written in the course of the 16th century. It is a short, highly synthetic piece, amounting… read more
Why I Rejected Evangelical Protestantism For The Eastern Orthodox Church
In the year 987, Vladimir the Great (later St. Vladimir of Kiev), a then pagan ruler of the Kievan Rus’, sent emissaries to various neighboring nations to study their religions…. read more
How To Become A Catholic Priest
I know what you’re thinking: “How can a man be celibate for the rest of his life?” I will gladly address that glaring concern, but first, hear me out. The… read more
What’s So Bad About A Global Religion?
Peace and grace to you all from the Lord Jesus Christ. I hope that, in these trying times, you are able to find some semblance of optimism and joy. This… read more
3 Reasons Why Christian Parents Are Raising Slutty Girls And Beta Males
I grew up in the Church of England (aka Anglicanism), a church that, among other heresies, permits female ordination and gay marriage. This is perhaps unsurprising given the Church’s speckled… read more
The Bible Does Not Justify Ardent Zionism Among Christians
Peace, grace, and mercy to you all from the Lord Jesus Christ. There are three groups of people to whom God wishes me to speak; one of those three groups… read more
3 Simple Steps For Defeating Temptation
Peace, grace, and mercy to you all from the Lord Jesus Christ. For those of you seeking to strengthen your faith by turning your back on worldly temptation, I am… read more
3 Things I Learned From Nine Months Of Celibacy
Peace and grace to you, gentlemen, from the Lord Jesus Christ. Though I never in my life thought I would arrive at where I am right now, it is God’s… read more
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