What Is Alt-Christianity?
On the 26th of May, Return of Kings published my article The 21 Theses of Alt-Christianity. In that article, I presented the case for an idea called Alt-Christianity, a new… read more
The 21 Theses Of Alt Christianity
In recent years, the Alt-Right—along with the Alt-West, Alt-Lite, and the Hard Right—has come to the forefront of the political scene. This has been due in large part because right-leaning… read more
The Myth That Jesus Christ Was Not Masculine
One of the travesties of modern feel-good Christianity—and a travesty which alienates a lot of non-Christian men—is the fact that Jesus Christ is routinely portrayed as an individual who is… read more
How ISIS Plans To Conquer And Manage Infidel “Savages”
Observers of political and military events in the Middle East cannot fail to notice the extreme violence of ISIS’s methods. Whether they are seeking to control a local population, or… read more
The Orthodox Church Is The Answer To Reviving Christianity In Europe And Saving The West
First let us take a look at a Christian faith that is strong, vibrant and alive. Christianity is a beautiful faith. For all my previous criticism of its intellectual formulation,… read more
Barbarian Christians: Why Islam May Want To Rethink Taking Over Europe
The main crisis of The West today is one of identity. I watched a good video series on this dilemma recently and the thrust of the argument presented was this… read more
Why Returning To The Pagan Mindset Could Bring Back Masculinity
Sometimes a crisis can force you to do things you never would have agreed to before. My step-father was 40 years when he had a heart attack. Up until that… read more
The 10 Commandments For Atheist Men
Religion is a big topic in the manosphere with sporadic debates erupting over whether it is a positive influence for today’s masculinity and society at large or not. The religious… read more
How To Develop A Masculine Spiritual Program
When you think about self-improvement, you probably immediately think of improving your body—resolving to go to the gym three times per week or to eat a paleo diet. But while… read more
Is Pope Francis Destroying The Catholic Church?
Traditional men should be concerned with what goes on in the large Christian churches, even if they don’t happen to be Christian. That’s because the churches affect the moral temperature… read more
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