A French Writer’s Defense Of Religion As A Social Good
Before and during the French Revolution, the intellectual mood of Europe had favored the elevation of “reason” over faith and tradition. Philosophers, scientists, and intellectuals in the salons were united… read more
Why You Should Avoid The Cucked Interpretations Of Modern Christianity
Last week my colleague Donovan Sharpe published an article entitled A Red Pill Perspective On The Existence Of God. The article is a meditation on how belief in God, specifically… read more
A Red Pill Perspective On The Existence Of God
Throughout human history there have been a plethora of polarizing debates. From benign arguments like vodka versus whiskey and split routines versus compound lifts to the ultra critical like pro… read more
The Importance Of Patriarchal Religion To Marriage And Childrearing
I live in America, and I am happily married, with kids. I do not write this because I am more manly, or intelligent, or successful than you; I am not…. read more
The Old Testament’s “Sexist” Views On Female Behavior
If you were to summarize in one word what the Old Testament said about how women ought to behave, it would be “submissive.” Women were destined to protect their sexual honor… read more
ROK Undercover: What It’s Like To Attend An Eastern Orthodox Church Service
This week we conclude the series on conservative religions in America. Parts one and two are here. Eastern Orthodox Church Moscow Cathedral – Architecture matters! While relatively unknown to mainstream… read more
An Introduction To The Old Testament
I started to read the Bible to see if it could offer me answers beyond the “logical” explanations I already hold. I went into this endeavor with an open mind,… read more
ROK Undercover: What It Was Like To Attend A Muslim Service
Continuing the series on conservative religions, our second part takes us to the always controversial Muslim faith. Muslims I attended an “open night” at a local Muslim worship center during… read more
ROK Undercover: What It Was Like To Spend A Day At A Mormon Church
It’s often said that the west is full of garbage and that men should seek high quality women elsewhere. While I agree, it’s also true that most of the ROK… read more
Is Islam Really The Biggest Threat To The West?
I understand this will be a sensitive topic, especially with the current election cycle in the United States and the recent (weekly? daily?) attacks now being carried out by ISIS… read more
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