Remarriage Strike
All men’s fault
The Daily Mail has a new piece titled The women who haven’t had sex for more than a decade: What it’s like to be celibate and why it’s all men’s… read more
More remarriage rate charts.
There was a problem with the time scaling of the remarriage rate chart in my last post. Here is the fixed version: I also decided to take another look… read more
She’s done it all wrong. Why hasn’t God delivered the husband she is praying for?
MarcusD pointed out a thread on CAF where a 34 year old divorcée and alpha widow is troubled that God hasn’t answered her prayers for a new husband she can… read more
Not Glad Tidings for Post Marital Spinsters.
The National Center for Family & Marriage Research (NCFMR) at Bowling Green State University has crunched the numbers on the latest remarriage stats: Men are more likely to remarry than women,… read more
Evidently I’ve hit a nerve!
The recent comments to an older post caught my eye. The post is from March of this year, and is titled Are Women Done With Men After Age 55? I… read more
Does divorce make people happy?
One of the most common and typically unchallenged assumptions about divorce is that despite all of the destruction it causes it at least makes people happier. Specifically, there is a… read more
Greasing the marriage rope.
Professor Hale wrote a post a while back titled Saving Marriage: Grease the Rope. In that post he makes a compelling case for withdrawing support from an addict: I once… read more
You can’t make this stuff up.
Selling divorce? Check. Eat Pray Love nonsense? Check. Female Martyrdom? Check. Aging Post Marital Spinster? Check. Ex husband who ended up better off? Check. Photos fit for a geriatric performance… read more
Are Women Done With Men After Age 55?
In my post on Advanced Divorce Sales, commenter Rhen suggested that women lose interest in men around age 55: “Women in long-standing marriages tend to want to move on more”…Part… read more
Intermediate guide to selling divorce; overcoming women’s better judgment.
In this course we will cover how to overcome the most common concerns women have about divorce, as defined in the previous course. Objection #1: They will likely lose the… read more
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