Remarriage Strike
More judging the performance.
While checking out search engine results for Single in the Suburbs, I came across an interesting blog by the same name. The first post I saw was (at the time)… read more
More problems with the remarriage rate predictions.
In Post-marital spinsterhood part two: the data, I showed how stats from a NCHS/CDC study in 2002 using data of women who divorced in the mid 80s was causing women… read more
Addiction to divorce fantasy is also about power.
As recent readers know, I’ve been poking at a massive sore spot for some of my female commenters lately with the themes of post marital spinsterhood and the remarriage strike. … read more
The Rationalization Hamster 500!
Few topics generate more excitement for rationalization hamsters than the question of why women don’t (re)marry later in life. Merely bringing this topic up is the equivalent of grabbing a… read more
YMCA Game!
Since I first started reading Roissy and other sites in the manosphere, I’ve been talking about what I learned with my wife. Her reactions have varied from: I’ve always told… read more
Romance as a form of male investment.
Ever since I coined the term, I’ve been on the lookout for others who might be using the term post marital spinsterhood or any variants. It strikes me as a… read more
Post-marital spinsterhood part two: the data.
As I mentioned on my first post on the topic, I’ve noticed a shift across the generations on how men felt about remarriage. It strikes me that men are both… read more
Post-marital spinsterhood.
I coined the term post-marital spinsterhood when I created the spoof warning label for Eat Pray Love. Women finding it difficult to remarry after divorce is something I’ve noted personally… read more
Exploding “Grey Divorce”
My wife saw something in the media about some large trend of couples divorcing at or around retirement age, dubbed “grey divorce”. She was very troubled by this. I agreed… read more
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