Replacing Marriage
Making the world safe for foolish promiscuous women.
I stumbled on a recent piece by Ezra Klein at Vox titled “Yes Means Yes” is a terrible law, and I completely support it. It is a remarkably frank discussion… read more
Blind spot
Note: I greatly appreciate the work the National Marriage Project is doing, especially in putting out easy to read and meaningful data in their State Of Our Unions reports. In addition,… read more
Don’t forget your 30 pieces of silver.
As we’ve stumbled our way to the post marriage family one of the conversations we’ve never seriously engaged at a cultural level is the evil of child support and alimony…. read more
Asking the wrong question.
Dr. Helen links to a blog post by Neo-Neocon titled: Should men* be allowed to opt out of child support? As one of the commenters on Dr. Helen’s site points… read more
How changes to welfare encouraged the illegitimacy explosion.
Anonymous Reader suggested in the discussion of the last post that welfare law changes in the 1960s might have also played a role in encouraging illegitimacy: Dalrock, it seems to… read more
How we came to embrace illegitimacy.
Some time in the 60s and 70s something let the illegitimacy genie out of the bottle in the US. In the early 1960s we went from out of wedlock birth… read more
Why aren’t men responding to economic signals?
I think the greatest, most astonishing fact that I am aware of in social science right now is that women have been able to hear the labor market screaming out… read more
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