Robert Stacy McCain
RS McCain on The 21 Convention.
RS McCain has published his report on The 21 Convention at The American Spectator, titled Red Pills and Red Hats. President Donald Trump “represents the return of the patriarchy,” popular… read more
Word has it there is a tip jar.
I just noticed that I missed a response yesterday by The Other McCain to my post Insta-Whores: Is money the real problem? Other men, perhaps much better men than me, have… read more
Insta-Whores: Is money the real problem?
The Other McCain has a post up titled Insta-Whores, about social media prostitution. As McCain notes, the lines here can be blurry, and either way this is likely to corrode… read more
“Quality Time”
The Other McCain writes about the history of the term quality time in Living Well Is the Best Revenge: The cliché of “quality time” was invented by Baby Boomer yuppies… read more
Experts at failing.
The Other McCain has a post up about a woman (Julia Baugher) whose profession is giving life advice, even though her own life is an absolute train-wreck. The post titled Fame… read more
Kind words from The Other McCain
The Other McCain writes in You Should Be Reading Dalrock: I’ve occasionally linked and quoted Dalrock here, and some of his regular readers are also my regular readers. He is… read more
The Other McCain nailed it (yet again).
In my previous post I quoted Jezebel Managing Editor Joanna Rothkopf. From her Bio at Bustle, she is a walking, breathing, men’s sphere cliché: Joanna is a New York-based writer… read more
Not good for the narrative.
From Robert Stacy McCain in Lessons of a ‘Sex Object:’ What can we really learn from Jessica Valenti’s memoir? Compare this description to what Ms. Valenti says about her ‘lovely’… read more
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