Robert Stacy McCain
Broken Premisses
Several of the commenters on Don’t play hard to get argued that Robert Stacy McCain and I aren’t really in disagreement regarding the post that I responded to. While we… read more
Don’t play hard to get.
Robert Stacy McCain gets close, but misses the fact that women’s sexual impulses are no more naturally “pure” than men’s sexual impulses. What feminist ideology tells young women they should… read more
Feminist self loathing
Feminists have long struggled to define their driving sense of discontentment. Understanding this sense of discontentment is critical to understanding feminism itself. If you don’t know what feminists are devoting… read more
Something smells fishy
The Other McCain Suspects a Moby was trolling Captain Capitalism’s post on Return of Kings, and I have no question his suspicion is right. I noticed a surge of this… read more
The advantage of leaving Sulkowicz (Mattress Girl) off the lawsuit.
The Other McCain explains the advantage of Nungesser not including Sulkowicz in his suit against Columbia in Emma Sulkowicz Is a Vindictive, Dishonest and Crazy Slut — Allegedly Now, if we ponder every possible… read more
“The Writer” writes
As I’ve noted previously, Robert Stacy McCain* brilliantly describes what he calls “The Writer” in ‘Broken People,’ Cats and Prozac. There are several very common characteristics of “The Writer” which McCain has noted…. read more
Crazy cat lady logic
I’ll be shutting down comments later in the day, but in the meantime enjoy (Courtesy of The Other McCain) the first rate feminist logic of Katy Kreitler in Sad Spinsters And Crazy Cat… read more
She doesn’t have what it takes to be a professional divorcée, but she does have cats.
The Other McCain on ‘Broken People,’ Cats and Prozac: See, this is the thing with young feminist writer types nowadays. They can’t go to Podunk State University. No, they must attend… read more
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