Romantic Love
Does romantic love sanctify married sex?
Hence Xystus in his Sentences tells us that “He who too ardently loves his own wife is an adulterer.” It is disgraceful to love another man’s wife at all, or… read more
Do you smell that?
In The Death of Christian Britain Callum Brown explains that the evangelical narrative in Britain in from the 1800s until the collapse in the 1960s was that if a woman’s husband was… read more
What to do when the tingles wane.
In modern Christian theology, the wife’s vagina is God’s messenger. If a woman isn’t sexually attracted to her husband it is a sign of God’s displeasure in her husband. Sheila… read more
Killing her with chivalry.
Over at Instapundit there is an article/discussion offering chivalry as the antidote to feminist charges of toxic masculinity. Specifically, the article points to the men on the Titanic as the… read more
Modern Christian teachers of the lesson in The Wedding of Sir Gawain.
In The Wedding of Sir Gawain we learn that what women want is sovereynté (control). If a husband loves his wife, he will grant her the sovereynté that she covets. As a… read more
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
When I first started blogging one regular criticism I received from traditional conservatives (especially when writing about Game) was that I was killing chivalry. For the most part I disregarded… read more
The love of a virtuous pagan woman tames the beast inside.
The idea that women are inherently virtuous, and that men need women to sanctify them is deeply ingrained. You won’t find either of these concepts in Scripture, but even commenters… read more
St. Jerome, the Puritan.
In his post Obeying Your Double Helix Pastor Doug Wilson recommends the book The Worldly Saints by Leland Ryken. This is a book I read when I originally wrote about Courtly Love back… read more
Chivalry and biblical marriage can’t coexist.
Swanny River asks in response to Blinded by Chivalry: Can someone explain to me what is meant by a marriage depending upon the free will of the married means? Is… read more
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