
Romantic Love

  • Is marriage just a piece of paper?

    Is marriage just a piece of paper?


    Empathologism has an excellent post up dissecting a FamilyLife/Dennis Rainey memo on marriage.  See the link for Empath’s post and the ensuing discussion, but what struck me about the FamilyLife piece… read more

  • Dude got a wake-up call.


    He must have.  If he didn’t, he wouldn’t be reading this (H/T Empath): Suddenly, divorce isn’t just some vague threat in your marital future. And now, the word you never thought… read more

  • How to spot a player.


    A frequent question in the sphere is how to help young women spot a player.  The answer is he will be that perfect boyfriend she has been searching for.  Laura… read more

  • The new sexual morality: Will the bra open for you?


    There is a moral frame embedded in the tingle detecting bra video which most viewers won’t notice because this frame is our new normal.  The three types of men thwarted… read more

  • Tingle detecting bra.


    Courtesy of the Daily Mail, a concept bra which only unlatches when the woman feels “true love”. If you listen carefully you can hear the sound of players around the… read more

  • Who loves best?


    Women are utterly incapable of loving a man in the way that a man expects to be loved. –Iron Rule of Tomassi #6 Rollo Tomassi’s writing on how women love… read more

  • The elevation of romantic love and the wisdom of a beta orbiter.


    Since my last post I’ve poked around a bit on James Russell Lingerfelt’s blog love story from the male perspective.  The title of the blog itself gives a great deal away,… read more

  • But we were in love!


    As I mentioned in Lovestruck, once you recognize the modern inversion of the moral relationship between romantic love, sex, and marriage you will begin to see this everywhere.  A while… read more

  • Lovestruck


    The American Conservative has an article by Rod Dreher discussing gay marriage titled Sex After Christianity (H/T Masson). Dreher asks: is sex the linchpin of Christian cultural order? Is it… read more

  • Feral love


    Sex is for love! — Vince Vaughn’s character lecturing his slutty daughter in The Watch The modern elevation of unconstrained romantic love to something pure, transcendental, wise, and moral is… read more