Romantic Love
Is marriage just a piece of paper?
Empathologism has an excellent post up dissecting a FamilyLife/Dennis Rainey memo on marriage. See the link for Empath’s post and the ensuing discussion, but what struck me about the FamilyLife piece… read more
Dude got a wake-up call.
He must have. If he didn’t, he wouldn’t be reading this (H/T Empath): Suddenly, divorce isn’t just some vague threat in your marital future. And now, the word you never thought… read more
How to spot a player.
A frequent question in the sphere is how to help young women spot a player. The answer is he will be that perfect boyfriend she has been searching for. Laura… read more
The new sexual morality: Will the bra open for you?
There is a moral frame embedded in the tingle detecting bra video which most viewers won’t notice because this frame is our new normal. The three types of men thwarted… read more
Tingle detecting bra.
Courtesy of the Daily Mail, a concept bra which only unlatches when the woman feels “true love”. If you listen carefully you can hear the sound of players around the… read more
Who loves best?
Women are utterly incapable of loving a man in the way that a man expects to be loved. –Iron Rule of Tomassi #6 Rollo Tomassi’s writing on how women love… read more
The elevation of romantic love and the wisdom of a beta orbiter.
Since my last post I’ve poked around a bit on James Russell Lingerfelt’s blog love story from the male perspective. The title of the blog itself gives a great deal away,… read more
But we were in love!
As I mentioned in Lovestruck, once you recognize the modern inversion of the moral relationship between romantic love, sex, and marriage you will begin to see this everywhere. A while… read more
The American Conservative has an article by Rod Dreher discussing gay marriage titled Sex After Christianity (H/T Masson). Dreher asks: is sex the linchpin of Christian cultural order? Is it… read more
Feral love
Sex is for love! — Vince Vaughn’s character lecturing his slutty daughter in The Watch The modern elevation of unconstrained romantic love to something pure, transcendental, wise, and moral is… read more
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