Running with the bulls
She wanted to run with the bulls.
Drudge has a news story up today about a woman the local Tennessee media celebrated back in July of 2015 for showing that women can be in combat just like… read more
She would beat you up, but her mom is calling.
Female UFC fighter Ronda Rousey has caused a stir with her boasting that there isn’t a man in the UFC in her weight class she couldn’t beat: I never say that… read more
How men could make themselves useful to Katarina Kroslakova.
How could you make yourself more useful to Katarina Kroslakova while she is traveling on business? Katarina spells it out: Quit hitting on me and help me out Has anyone… read more
Running with the bulls
I remember a story a friend of our family told me when I was maybe 11 or 12 years old. He was a young adult at the time, and was… read more
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