She’s number one!
As I have noted previously, feminism is the assertion that men are evil and naturally want to harm women, followed by pleas to men to solve all of women’s problems…. read more
A cold calculation.
Child support is the answer to the question “How shall we replace the nuclear family”? This much is axiomatic, with the only question being how many nuclear families we want… read more
Breasts can’t be sexual if there is a baby in the picture.
Facebook has received quite a bit of criticism the last few years over their policy on pictures involving breastfeeding. I’m not a fan of either Facebook or Zuckerberg, but there… read more
From celibate boyfriend to celibate husband (true love doesn’t wait).
Pugsley’s story shows the folly of the celibate boyfriend: When I met my then boyfriend-now husband, I told him right away that I was saving myself for marriage and he… read more
The red pill going mainstream.
From Salon: The truth about female desire: It’s base, animalistic and ravenous “Women’s desire — its inherent range and innate power — is an underestimated and constrained force, even in… read more
Over promise, under deliver
The Spearhead has a new post up by Aych titled The Suddenly Radioactive ‘Have it All’ Promise. Aych makes the observation that feminists are in the process of walking back… read more
Trapped in adulthood.
My wife and I were talking about “being true to yourself” yesterday when she made the point that for women this always somehow meant not fulfilling their obligations and responsibilities… read more
Corollary to Dalrock’s Law; The Law of Rationalization Hamster Strength.
Reading Ms. Berry’s descriptive essay on Salon has moved Captain Capitalism to wax romantic. Coming soon to a bookstore near you: “I looked at her…my beautiful economics professor. Oh sure,… read more
Divorce made Lorraine Berry sexy!
I came across an empowering story of divorce by Lorraine Berry at Salon titled How getting divorced revived my sex life (H/T Uncle Elmer). At 38, my libido came roaring back. What… read more
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