For want of a lot of good employers.
Four weeks ago Anna Hitchings bravely told her story and the stories of women like her who are in their 30s and can’t find one good marriageable man in For… read more
Good news about abortion!
One aspect of the men’s sphere that greatly frustrates traditional conservatives is what they see as an unhealthy negativity about our new model of marriage. While the statistics they use… read more
And Now a Brief Word for the White Supremacists
Bnonn writes in his most recent post: Moreover, unlike Dalrock, I see exactly the analogy Doug draws from runaway slaves (Dt. 23:15), and I agree that its general equity applies… read more
Well played.
The Federalist is outraged at blatant Christian legalism when it comes to selecting a spouse: Women Prefer Physically Fit Men With Good Jobs And No Criminal Record Recently, there have… read more
Sporty spice had *one* job.
Back on April 12th I wrote Sporty spice defends Springfield Armory’s legacy. For those who aren’t familiar with Springfield Armory’s new brand image, Springfield is identifying itself as the feminist… read more
Cowardly cisgendered men forcing heroic transgendered women to fight in their place.
Back on Oct 30th, the New York Times announced the latest setback for President Trump: Judge Blocks Trump’s Ban on Transgender Troops in Military The leadership of the complementarian Christian… read more
Helping victims stand against their abuser.
We’ve all seen the telltale signs: The cowed look. The downtrodden posture. The never ending series of excuses: He isn’t usually like that. You don’t know the real man. He… read more
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