The race to be first.
This is the story of the brave men who were inspired by Charles Lindbergh’s 1927 transatlantic flight to attempt one of aviation’s greatest triumphs. In 1919 Alcock and Brown were… read more
What else could they want?
Vox Day has a post today about Forbes revising its net worth estimate for Elizabeth Holmes from $4.5 billion to zero. Yet from this article it is clear that Holmes… read more
Funny because it is true.
On the topic of the denied impact of judgment on women, The Onion presents: Single Woman With 3 Young Children Unaware She Subject Of 984 Judgments Today …single mother Karen… read more
Someone should have warned them.
The Daily Mail has a heart rending story* about some recent immigrants to the UK who ended up in prison because they didn’t fully understand the local laws and customs. … read more
A giant misunderstanding.
In an effort to improve communication between Glenn Reynolds of Instapundit and Lisa Madigan, I offer the following suggested correction. What Madigan no doubt meant was (corrections in bold): If… read more
Culinary frigidity.
Suzanne Cope describes her long battle to overcome crippling dysfunction. As often happens, she learned her hangups at an early age from her mother and grandmother. They taught her that giving… read more
How to close the gender pay gap once and for all.
Closing the gender pay gap is a national priority, but due to misunderstanding the problem we have failed to fully close it. The good news is we are already making… read more
Breasts can’t be sexual if there is a baby in the picture.
Facebook has received quite a bit of criticism the last few years over their policy on pictures involving breastfeeding. I’m not a fan of either Facebook or Zuckerberg, but there… read more
Not the real stepdad.
Not new, but new to me from the Onion: You’re Not My Real Stepdad! You’re not the boss of me. You’re not the guy who married my mom after she… read more
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