Call the Kendrick brothers!
I think we’ve found the script for the sequel to Fireproof. Empathologism shares a lesson to Christian husbands in his post The reverse nuclear option, the submissive Christian wife. The lesson… read more
Brilliant advertising.
Viva La Manosphere highlighted a Barbarossaa post today with a new (to me) man up video featuring Pastor Mark Driscoll and Bill Bennett. These guys are the all stars of the man… read more
To the heroes of Father’s Day.
Today being Father’s Day I thought I’d break my blogging hiatus to honor the real heroes of the holiday. I’m sure you already know who I’m thinking about. That’s right,… read more
The morality of marriage 2.0
I commit to you! Now I commit to you! Now I commit to you! “Clue” on Yahoo Answers asks: Is it considered cheating if I divorce my husband to date… read more
Why wouldn’t he take her call when she was drunk?
A woman on Yahoo Answers asked yesterday why a guy she is interested in is acting so strangely. She was out drinking the other night and called him when she… read more
A proper dressing down for unchivalrous men.
Somewhere in the world a woman is upset! What are you as lazy men doing to fix this? Sorry for being so harsh, but you men need to hear this. … read more
A Tale of Two Beaches
Beach #1 Mrs. Yes makes it a point to be warm and inviting whenever her husband storms her beach. He is always welcomed with a kiss and a lei. Beach… read more
We need a ritual.
In the discussion on Ballista74’s excellent post The Pressure Of Corrupted Ministry the topic turned to the question of submission. Commenter Sis made what is a very common argument: Submission is… read more
Lowering the boom.
Creative destruction. Back in May Empathologism wrote about Joel and Kathy Davisson in his post Your wife had and affair, its your fault. One of their catch phrases is “lowering the boom”. … read more
Harming your kids for attention and profit.
Not all women are cut out to be professional divorcées. While she may lack talent and want to be a writer, a woman may find she never pretended to make… read more
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