Turnabout is fair play.
Parents at a Northern California high school are outraged that the time honored tradition of hooking up with varsity athletes has been turned into something dirty. According to the Piedmont… read more
Women’s sacred path to marriage is in danger.
Women crave the commitment of lifelong marriage and will naturally seek it out and hold their marriages together so long as they aren’t tricked into marrying the wrong man. Young… read more
Dispelling the misconceptions about feminism.
Many falsely assume that feminism is somehow about self loathing women, illogical emotion driven women, women with hairy armpits, women who look like men, unattractive women, lesbians, and supplicating men… read more
Why being a female is a great gift to the universe.
The most fascinating part of feminism is when you boil it down how incredibly vacuous it is. It is an unthinking grab for power, a mindless reaction against a nameless discontent. … read more
If we were as foolish about male sexuality as we are about female sexuality.
Several readers objected to my post Feral females in the news because they read it as me asserting that girls aged 6-9 naturally tend to compete sexually for boys. This… read more
How to make Glenn Stanton’s day.
An evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given to it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas –Matt 12:39 Should you ever… read more
Trad Con Tourette’s
Definition Trad Con Tourette’s Syndrome (TCTS) is a mental disorder suffered by many Traditional Conservatives, characterized by involuntarily blurting out feminist slogans and/or pedestalizing women. Causes and symptoms The cause… read more
Stanton’s Heroes
For those not already familiar with Glenn Stanton, he is the Director for Family Formation Studies at Focus on the Family. He writes with great pride about the 38% divorce… read more
The missing fear
Women tend to fear a lot of different things. This makes sense given their vulnerability. Most men are wired to want to protect women and this includes protection from living… read more
We are trapped on Slut Island and Traditional Conservatives are our Gilligan
I know for many of you this really isn’t a bad place. If you are a feminist or a player, this is pretty close to paradise. But if you are… read more
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