3 Reasons Men Shouldn’t Major In Biology
STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) education has in recent times been proposed as a miracle cure for young adults trapped in a job market that is rapidly losing lucrative… read more
French Feminists Say Women Are Smaller Because Men Conspired Against Them
On December 8, as I was musing on the computer before starting some usual Chris Pratt workout training, a strange video popped up on my Facebook feed. French outlet L’Obs,… read more
Popular DNA Company Is Giving White People African Ancestry For Fun
Last Wednesday, Squawker came out with an article concerning the accuracy of DNA testing: In a recent interview with Cracked, one of the major ancestry testing companies, (which specific company… read more
5 Reasons Why Ray Kurzweil’s Singularity Will Never Happen
Ray Kurzweil is famous for promoting a very optimistic vision of the future, at least among the hip urban globalists. His core idea is that we will fuse with technology…. read more
This Year’s Active Hurricane Season Does Not Prove Global Warming
Hurricane Irma captured the world’s attention in the beginning of September. By the end of September’s first week, Irma reached its peak intensity with 185 mph (295 km/h) winds, and… read more
Bizarre Science Fiction Novel Sheds Light On What The Technological Singularity Will Be Like
Having read (and also written) quite a lot of science fiction it took me a surprisingly long time to read Charles Stross’ landmark book Accelerando. Originally written in sections from… read more
Is Technology Our Friend Or Foe?
Browsing the archives of the ROK, I was struck on the generally negative view of men regarding modern technology. Of course, there are some exceptions to that rule but the… read more
Why Men Murder
One of the most fascinating, but also troublesome phenomenon in the American society and on a global scale, are high murder rates and the factors that underlie both gang violence… read more
How Margaret Mead’s Bad Science Set Anthropology Back By A Century
Margaret Mead was an academic celebrity; basically the Madonna of anthropology. She’s best known for utopian tales of life in the South Seas, depicting pacifism, matriarchal societies, and free love…. read more
How Complex Systems Science Affects The Manosphere
Ever since I read Niall Ferguson’s book Civilization (2011), I have wanted to get a closer look at Melanie Mitchell’s book Complexity: A Guided Tour (2011), which the Scottish Harvard… read more
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