Why Beauty Is Not As Subjective As Feminists Insist
Roosh’s article 27 Attractive Girls Who Became Ugly Freaks Because Of Feminism has sparked a heated debate. One of the premises of Return Of Kings and neomasculinity is that female… read more
Are We Witnessing The Downfall Of Scientific Authoritarianism?
It seems social engineers have studied human beings well, as a power mad elite attempt to mold us into androgynous pods (one of the latest pushes is the mass marketing… read more
WhatsApp vs Telegram: Which Messaging App Is Better?
These days almost everyone who has a smart phone uses some sort of messaging service. It just comes with the territory. As I was reading some news reports this weekend,… read more
How John Harrison Solved The Explorer’s Problem Of Longitude
In our modern era we take for granted the ease of international travel. We give hardly a thought to the difficulties that our ancestors faced when trying to move from… read more
Why Everything In The Blue Pill World Is A Lie
Telling the masses of men to put women on a pedestal is obviously a blue pill myth, designed to create a nation of supplicating, subservient Beta males. Why would self-described… read more
How To Maintain Your Online Anonymity Using Advanced Techniques
In a previous article I discussed the possibilities of increasing your safety online by using measures such as encryption, VPN and Tor. Nonetheless I did not cover all possibilities and… read more
10 Things I Learned From Being My Own General Contractor
One of the foundations of living a good life in today’s times is having a good place to call home. Whether you want a solid, comfortable place with which to… read more
The Biggest Startup Failure Of The Decade Was Caused By A Woman
Elizabeth Holmes, the hope of you-go-girl career hamsters throughout America, hyped as a billionaire and “the next Steve Jobs” after dropping out of college and claiming she had an amazing new… read more
Does “The Selfish Gene” Theory Explain Women’s Behavior?
If there’s one thing a man learns about women when he literally beds hundreds of them in his own personal anthropological experiment trying to find out what makes females tick (as… read more
Anti-Vaccination Documentary “Vaxxed” Exposes The Medical Establishment’s Lies
“Oh my god. I cannot believe we did what we did…but we did.” – Dr. William Thompson Of all debates—the political, social, and the personal—the subject of vaccine safety is… read more
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