Scientific Paper
Feral females in the news.
There is a new study making the headline rounds about 6-9 year old girls wanting to be sexy. As so often happens the actual name of the study is not… read more
Conventional wisdom on the trend in US divorce rates may be about to change.
When it comes to divorce rates in the US conventional wisdom is that it peaked around 1980 and has been declining ever since. However, there is new data which suggests… read more
When discussing the topic of changes in divorce law we typically talk about divorce theft and how this causes men to be understandably hesitant to marry, as well as the… read more
Bargaining in the shadow of the law.
One common bit of misdirection I see when the issue of unfairness in the divorce/custody process is discussed is the argument that men are voluntarily agreeing to the terms. How… read more
Is frivolous divorce overstated in the manosphere?
In Susan Walsh’s recent post The Grim Beeper, Doug1 made a comment about frivolous divorce (H/T Rmaxd): Men are shattered and blind sided by divorce far more than women are…. read more
Blowing the Whistle on the Domestic Violence Research Paradigm
This paper may already have made its rounds through the manosphere, but I stumbled onto it a few months back and I think it is very much worth sharing here. … read more
Men and women are both more trusting of men
Forbes.com has a new article up titled: Men Cooperate More with Each Other than Women Do (H/T Uncle Elmer). The article is by Victoria Pynchon, who is responding to a meta… read more
The economics of divorce theft and exploitation, and why we should repeal unilateral no fault divorce.
Divorce theft is a common term in the manosphere, but I have noticed that there is some skepticism amongst our feminist guests on this concept (who often use the term… read more
The blurry line between the welfare state and child support
One thing which struck me when I started looking into the issue of child support is how difficult it is to distinguish between child support and the welfare state. For… read more
The child support catastrophe
Child support is typically framed as state intervention on behalf of children. However, it is more accurately an alternative to marriage for women. Traditionally, women would find a man willing… read more
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