selling divorce
Will Wilcox and the men of National Review respect you in the morning?
Over the last year or so there has been a concerted effort by men associated with National Review to woo men into marriage. The most recent example of this is… read more
Are you sure you aren’t unhappy?
From today’s Daily Mail, Are you subconsciously unhappy in your relationship? Expert reveals the 10 signs that prove it’s finally time to call it quits You may be coasting along… read more
Angelina can’t keep a man.
It has been interesting to watch the tabloids switching from cheerleading Angelina Jolie for her empowering decision to divorce Brad Pitt, to seeing her as destroying the lives of her… read more
Tempting wives to stay married.
In God hates divorce? Pastor Sam Powell worries that some readers may suspect he is soft on divorce: This article is a little more technical than I usually write. There… read more
Reworking Malachi 2:16 for our feminist era (part 2).
In part one of this series I explained how Malachi 2:16 is being reworked from a condemnation of divorce theft to justification for divorce theft. Thus Joel and Kathy Davisson… read more
Reworking Malachi 2:16 for our feminist era (part 1).
I’ve written previously about the modern Christian cross-dressing view of marriage, where wives are in absolute headship and regularly need to give their husbands wakeup calls to establish their authority. … read more
She didn’t stick the landing, and she won’t leave the floor.
When Eat Pray Love came out, it appeared that Elizabeth Gilbert had successfully navigated her way through steps 1-8 of having it all. But to succeed in this game of… read more
Selling grey divorce (everyone’s doing it).
Earlier this week Vox Day quoted from a recent Daily Mail article: According to the Office of National Statistics, the number of ‘silver divorces’ has risen by three-quarters in the… read more
Not enough cash and prizes.
There is a new push under way for women who divorce to be rewarded with even greater amounts of cash and prizes. Dr. Helen tackles this in Elizabeth Warren Wants… read more
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