Servant Leader
How to creep out your wife.
Sheila Gregoire at Authentic Manhood coaches frustrated Christian husbands on how to seduce their wives in In Search of the Secret Switch. To her credit, she admits upfront that she… read more
If mama ain’t happy
A few weeks back I quoted a post from Pastor Doug Wilson castigating Christian men for listening to pastors and living by the rule if mama ain’t happy (emphasis mine): When… read more
Now get out there and reject passivity!
Complementarians have the problem of wanting to seem biblically traditional, while avoiding actually being so. The goal is to create something separate from formal feminism/egalitarianism, while avoiding offending feminist sensibilities. … read more
Complementarian soul essence.
Some readers of my recent series on the book Every Man’s Marriage may feel that I’ve unfairly lumped Stephen Arterburn and Fred Stoeker in with complementarians. After all, their book… read more
Harkening back to the golden age.
Cane Caldo hilariously describes Pastor Doug Wilson’s new post Masculinity without Permission.* Even when he tries to avoid blaming men–for one post!–he has to caveat that he would really rather… read more
The thought of holding hands with him made her sick, but fortunately he convinced her to marry him.
In Chapter 20 of Every Man’s Marriage, Stephen Arterburn explains that when he was dating his wife Sandy she found the idea of holding his hand revolting: When Sandy and I were… read more
Her soul essence is your master, and sets the terms for oneness.
As I explained in my last post, the book Every Man’s Marriage is founded in fear. Fred Stoeker explains in Chapter 1 that when his wife Brenda announced she didn’t have… read more
It started with a whimper (a servant leader is born).
Bdash77 pointed me* to the book Every Man’s Marriage, an Every Man’s Guide to Winning the heart of a woman. This is the follow up book to the wildly popular… read more
Self inflicted reframe.
BillyS noted in response to Leading *is* serving that Christ only washed his disciples’ feet once: …Jesus washed their feet once, not throughout His time on the earth! Cane Caldo… read more
Leading *is* serving.
In my last post I pointed out the pattern of complementarians defining headship as service in practice, and leadership in theory. Dr Raymond Force puts this into numbers as 99%… read more
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