Shaunti Feldhahn
Fathers [sometimes] matter!
A reader recently asked if I’ve moved away from my prediction in More ominous than a strike that we will eventually see some dialing back of the worst excesses of… read more
Celebrating divorce by denying its existence.
At first glance it may seem strange that feminists like Claire Cain Miller and Justin Wolfers would go to such lengths to convince the public that high divorce rates are a thing… read more
Nowhere close to true.
I’ve done a bit more digging for the source of the data Shaunti Feldhahn shared in the articles promoting her book (see previous post). She mentions 2009 Census data, and I recalled… read more
Does Shaunti Feldhahn’s rosy divorce data prove that no fault divorce is working out pretty well after all?
A few weeks ago I asked why modern Christians are so delighted with current divorce rates. As I explained in the post, Shaunti Feldhahn has a new book* and multiple articles proclaiming… read more
Why are modern Christians so delighted with current divorce rates?
There is an article from the Christian Post making the rounds which has modern Christians giddy: Author Debunks Myths About Divorce Rates, Including of Churchgoers. The article and the book… read more
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