The smirk is the defense.
Commenter Roger wrote: THOT has the connotation of a woman who appears to be a whore, but is not necessarily a whore. The phrase “over there” suggests that she is… read more
The cost of sluthood.
Note: I don’t think I’ve ever reposted a previous blog post before, but with the Christian feminist outrage over Lori Alexander’s sensible advice to young Christian women on how to… read more
Shame on him who thinks evil of it.
The Daily Mail has a new article up naming and shaming a young man who is accused* of privately telling his (then) girlfriend the dress she bought was too slutty:… read more
Hillary’s nasty woman brigade.
Trump struck a cord in the final debate last week when he called Hillary a “nasty woman”. Business Insider’s Linette Lopez is convinced that ordinary women will rush to self… read more
“I have always depended on the sexual kindness of strangers.”
Tracy “Hot Farts” Moore at Jezebel asks How Can We Make Casual Sex Better For Women? (language warning) Anyone who has embarked on a first-time hookup with a man knows… read more
Yiayia and the empress’s new clothes
3 Likewise, teach the older women to be reverent in the way they live, not to be slanderers or addicted to much wine, but to teach what is good. 4 Then they… read more
Slutting made her a better Christian.
Dianna Anderson at The Frisky explains how rejecting sexual morality makes her more moral in Girl Talk: What Losing My Virginity Taught Me About Faith This also isn’t a conversion… read more
One at a time, please.
Aside from our inverting the roles of romantic love and marriage, another striking feature of our new view of sexual morality is the embrace of serial monogamy as the pinnacle… read more
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