Newspeak: scrubbing the English language.
I did a search on the term unwed mother when writing my post on Katie Price. I wanted to make sure I wasn’t using the term incorrectly. Click here to… read more
We are trapped on Slut Island and Traditional Conservatives are our Gilligan
I know for many of you this really isn’t a bad place. If you are a feminist or a player, this is pretty close to paradise. But if you are… read more
Why won’t these Peter Pan manboys man up and marry aging flighty selfish career gal sluts already?
The funny thing about conservatives is most have no idea they are raving feminists. Part of the problem is that social conservatism is much like a sea anchor. They exert… read more
Defining sluthood
Susan Walsh tried her hand at defining sluthood back in June with her widely read and thought provoking post What a Slut Is. She had drawn the ire of feminists… read more
Lay down your arms.
Brendan made an excellent point in the comments section of my Trapped in adulthood post: The process of female reliance on peer group support and guidance will not be checked… read more
The cost of sluthood.
Paige commented on the Doomed Harlot is a slut! post that sex positive feminists harm less attractive women by pointing out that the prettiest women don’t pay a price for… read more
Doomed Harlot is a slut!
But we already knew that. This is core to her online identity as a sex positive feminist. She feels so strongly about this that she incorporated it into her moniker. … read more
No Rings for Sluts
Anonymous Reader raised some great points the other day about the risk to a man of being fooled into marrying a woman who wasn’t worthy of marrying: “Honest woman” isn’t… read more
Sex Cartel!
grerp has an outstanding post titled More on Susan Walsh vs Friedman and Marcotte, where she describes the gradually changing landscape for women due to the sexual revolution: In 1965… read more
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