The gospel of the carousel.
Scott from Treasure State Psychological Services was kind enough to send me a quote that is making the rounds on Facebook: Jesus didn’t die on the cross for you to… read more
Proverbs 31 princesses
18 At that time the disciples came to Jesus, saying, “Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?” 2 And calling to him a child, he put him in… read more
She wasn’t God’s best.
Adam Piggott makes an astute observation about Wendy Griffith’s claim that God doesn’t want women to settle in Are you special enough for women like Wendy? …when it comes to selecting… read more
For want of a lot of good employers.
Four weeks ago Anna Hitchings bravely told her story and the stories of women like her who are in their 30s and can’t find one good marriageable man in For… read more
Someday we’ll laugh!
Commenter Ofelas pointed out the absurdity of the main character in Cat Person imagining how much a future boyfriend would enjoy hearing about her having sex with other men: …she… read more
Does this mean there wasn’t any sobbing?
My wife found a hilarious review of Dunkirk by a feminist named Mehera Bonner at Marie Claire: I Think ‘Dunkirk’ Was Mediocre at Best, and It’s Not Because I’m Some… read more
Spotting the presence punisher in the wild.
Reader getalonghome asks regarding women who punish with their presence: “Yet the concept is so illogical and foreign to men’s thinking that few men will recognize it.” I don’t recognize… read more
The Other McCain nailed it (yet again).
In my previous post I quoted Jezebel Managing Editor Joanna Rothkopf. From her Bio at Bustle, she is a walking, breathing, men’s sphere cliché: Joanna is a New York-based writer… read more
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