A very long season (part 1).
For several decades now the feminist life script for women has been to delay marriage as long as possible to focus on education, career, travel, and sexual experience. Many have… read more
Selfishness as wisdom and virtue.
Sharon Pope expresses a very common sentiment in Why I Hate the Label Mid-Life Crisis: As women, we’re constantly evolving. As spiritual beings, we’re waking up. As seekers, we’re becoming… read more
Unfit for a real relationship.
For there are eunuchs who have been so from birth, and there are eunuchs who have been made eunuchs by men, and there are eunuchs who have made themselves eunuchs… read more
A god we must obey.
14 and Adam was not deceived, but the woman was deceived and became a transgressor. 15 Yet she will be saved through childbearing—if they continue in faith and love and… read more
Nagmeh warns Christians not to be seduced by the desire for attention.
I had planned on changing the subject, but haven’t had time to write the next post I plan on writing. In the meantime, the Christian press continues to feed Naghmeh… read more
False witness
There are a number of bloggers who exist either mostly or entirely to troll the manosphere. Manboobz is probably the best known, and for a while we also had Bodycrimes… read more
She’s keeping her vow
Not her marriage vow, but the vow she made to God when she asked Him to help her break her vow to God. Since He helped her break her vow… read more
Why won’t he hurry up and die already?
New commenter Tab Spangler linked to a blog post by Glenn Greenwald on a woman who fears being outed for her infidelity because of the Ashley Madison hack. I am… read more
Insanity at the races.
You are sooo mean! You must hate women! It wasn’t her fault! I have previously explained why it is much easier and more satisfying for a man to call out… read more
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