Susan Smith eats, wipes her mouth, and says, “I have done no wickedness.”
This made the rounds a few weeks ago, but I didn’t take the time to look at Susan Smith’s letter to the media until recently. 20 years after she strapped… read more
Punch harder on abortion.
This is the way of an adulterous woman: She eats and wipes her mouth and says, ‘I’ve done nothing wrong.’ –Proverbs 30:20 Last month Latest.com ran a story defending abortion… read more
Real men don’t just carry purses, they restock them too.
A teenage boy’s supplicating instagram post has gone viral, and is upping the ante for servant leaders everywhere. TO EVERY BOY THAT FOLLOWS ME AND CALLS HIMSELF A MAN OR SIMPLY… read more
Hey, that’s *our* trick!
Friday afternoon light reading, courtesy of the Dalrock Research Dept. Mommyish has a post about Nick Loeb’s Op Ed piece at the NYT. Loeb wants custody of the frozen embryos… read more
“The Writer” writes
As I’ve noted previously, Robert Stacy McCain* brilliantly describes what he calls “The Writer” in ‘Broken People,’ Cats and Prozac. There are several very common characteristics of “The Writer” which McCain has noted…. read more
She doesn’t have what it takes to be a professional divorcée, but she does have cats.
The Other McCain on ‘Broken People,’ Cats and Prozac: See, this is the thing with young feminist writer types nowadays. They can’t go to Podunk State University. No, they must attend… read more
It’s hard on her, but not on her kids.
YourTango has a post titled 11 Things Single Parents Don’t Want To Hear. Note the euphemism “single parent” when what they really mean is “single mother”. The stigma against single mothers… read more
No hiatus for solipsism during World War II.
In my last post I quoted from a radio program delivered by Margaret Sanger discussing the hardships women face in marriage and the importance of marriage counseling. Sanger described a… read more
She’s done it all wrong. Why hasn’t God delivered the husband she is praying for?
MarcusD pointed out a thread on CAF where a 34 year old divorcée and alpha widow is troubled that God hasn’t answered her prayers for a new husband she can… read more
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