Jealous Feminists Put Hardworking Formula One Grid Girls Out Of A Job
Formula One executives have buckled under pressure from crazy cat lady feminists and banned the time-honored tradition of grid girls. A number of industrious young women with pert busts and… read more
How To Play Pickup Basketball On Any Court In America
The American basketball court is akin to the barbershop, bowling alley, shooting range, or golf course: one of the last few bastions of masculinity here in the West. The American… read more
3 Reasons Why The NFL Should Fear The XFL
If you haven’t heard, Vince McMahon is resurrecting the XFL in 2020, and if I was Roger Goodell, I would be very, very afraid. McMahon is somebody who has been… read more
Pathetic NFL Donates $100 Million Towards Social Justice Causes To Appease Kneeling Players
Via Breitbart: In a move unlike anything seen from a major American sports league, the league will offer the money in hopes that it will end the ratings-killing protest movement begun by… read more
Why Don’t Feminists Support Mixed Men’s And Women’s Sporting Competitions?
We are constantly told that gender is “non-binary.” Feminists and other SJWs say men can be born biologically female and women can be born biologically male, while plenty of other… read more
How To Train For A Marathon
Running a marathon is an extreme test of will, discipline, mental strength, and of course endurance. Completing a race of this length has enticed people to train for months in… read more
NFL Players Are Setting A Bad Example By Teaching Black People To Encourage Victimhood
Jimbo Jones recently outlined the growing dispute between President Trump and black NFL players who are kneeling during the national anthem. I support the players’ free speech rights to kneel,… read more
Men Who Are Still Watching The NFL Are Suckers
The football team or teams you’re seeing on the television or at the stadium aren’t “your” team. Truth is you personally don’t know any of them. “Your” team is actually… read more
The NFL Is Killing Itself Through Identity Politics
Literally the only thing I watch on TV is sports. If hockey, boxing, MMA or the occasional soccer game isn’t on the tube, I shut the thing off. This is… read more
Floyd Mayweather Vs Conor McGregor Fight Thread
Via Variety: Boxing legend Floyd Mayweather Jr. and UFC champion Conor McGregor will step into the ring for a 12-round super welterweight boxing bout this Saturday and what promises to… read more
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