The NFL Continues Its White Knighting By Hiring A Female Referee
The National Football League recently helped women get a firmer grip on the scrotum of masculinity by hiring its first full-time female referee, Sarah Thomas. Thomas, a married mother of three… read more
Is Danica Patrick The Most Overrated Sports Figure In History?
In 144 NASCAR Sprint Cup and Xfinity races, Danica Patrick has never been on top of the podium. So for years now, the sporting community and wider world have been… read more
Why You Need To Boycott The NBA
Sheryl Sandberg is one bossy woman. Instead of pitching her feminist ideologies to a target audience, like Jezebel or Buzzfeed, she has decided to infiltrate the NBA. The intrusiveness will… read more
Why You Should Quit Playing Fantasy Sports
Donovan Sharpe recently wrote a great article about why it’s time to stop hating professional athletes. I have felt the same way for quite a while now, and was thrilled… read more
Is The Mainstream Media Pushing Men To Suicide?
In March 2014, NFL athlete Ray Rice was indicted for aggravated assault against his fiancée (now wife), sparking mass media and social network coverage. Most of the controversy that ensued… read more
It’s Time To Stop Hating Professional Athletes
Professional athletes have always been lightning rods in American culture. From Mickey Mantle‘s reputation as a womanizer to the gambling stories about Michael Jordan, sports stars have always been under… read more
The Great Tom Brady Nearly Never Happened
In the pantheon of great sporting stars, Tom Brady is placed amongst the elite of the elite. Whilst many will doubt whether he is the greatest NFL player ever, he… read more
The Chris Paul Story Shows That Women Shouldn’t Be Allowed To Officiate Male Sports
Last night Los Angeles Clippers guard Chris Paul criticized female NBA rookie referee Lauren Holtkamp for giving him a technical foul. His was one of of five such fouls (four… read more
Football Is No Longer A Masculine Pastime
A funny thing happened on the way to the Seattle Seahawks’ victory over the Green Bay Packers on January 18. My mother was the only person in the house watching… read more
“We Need To Talk” Is The Latest Invasion Of Women Into A Male Space
Q: How odd would it be to turn on the TV and see a show about child birth with an all male panel? A: About as odd as a program… read more
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